MAKE - Embryo EPFHelp

Use your engineering skills to build projects that have a positive impact on the lives of people in need

Embryo EPFHelp

At EPFHelp, we are a group of motivated engineering students that aims to collaborate with entities worldwide to help fulfill the needs of local communities. As part of this objective, we want to leverage the resources of EPFL: the expertise of students and professors, the infrastructure, and the school’s associative momentum.

Our long-term goal is to establish a network of local partners in order to have projects and challenges of different sizes and ambitions. We aim at solving these challenges by developing smart tech, resilient, and easy to use projects. For these projects to be implemented in real-world conditions we emphasize on building them with affordability in mind and with a low-maintenance required. Our main fields of actions would be related to energy, water and healthcare supplies.

Through this initiative and thanks to our partners in place, we aspire to develop meaningful projects with a positive and lasting impact on the daily lives of underprivileged people living in deprived areas.

#3D Printing #Low Tech #Sustainability #Wood Working #Mechanics #Health #Human Centered Design #Ideation

Ongoing Interdisciplinary

Academic Supervisors
