Build, launch, operate satellites and monitor atmosphere chemical composition
EPFL SpaceCraft Team
Our vision:
At the EPFL Spacecraft Team, we want to stimulate the Swiss space ecosystem while training students to work on real complex projects.
Our two main objectives are to train the next generation of space engineer students to conduct innovative space projects and gather academy and industry around common projects to impact the space ecosystem and the scientific research.
A precious opportunity for the Swiss space industries and institutions:
Many space players in Switzerland want to test their payload in space, however, there are only a few cheap flight opportunities. To meet this demand, the EPFL Spacecraft Team wants to organize periodic in orbit demonstrations and/or validations of swiss scientific instruments. Choosing a payload and going from the construction of the platform to the launch and operation of the satellite is, therefore, our challenge.
A unique experience in our team:
Members who join the team gain a general understanding of the organization of a space mission and meet with space industry companies in Switzerland, Europe, and around the world.
This is a great way to work in an interdisciplinary project and to understand the current challenges of the space industry and scientific research in this field.
The mission includes the design, construction, testing, launch, and operation of the satellites.
Our current project – CHESS
Our current mission, CHESS, aims to send two nano-satellites (CubeSat) into earths orbit. The two twin satellites will conduct multiple scientific experiments and technological demonstrations.
We are currently finishing the mission design phase and starting to test modules. Furthermore, prototypes of inhouse components, namely the on-board-computer and the ground station, are continuously improved and tested.
Academic Supervisors