Sebastien Martinerie
As a mechanical engineer, I've always had a passion for 3D design and additive manufacturing technologies. I've worked in R&D (developing a process for metal powders 3D printing) and in the medical field for over 20 years. At the same time, I run my own design and 3D printing business, which provides services for many advanced applications.
As your 3D printing coach at SPOT, I am dedicated to helping students succeed with their prototyping projects. This activity includes:
If you're interested to know more, see My portrait on EPFL website ;-)
When should you contact me?
Have a first contact as soon as you know you will have 3D printed parts in your project. I'll be glad to give you some peronnalised tips for your own needs.
3D Printing: Come for any advice on how to prepare your printjob and before running your first print.
Under supervision 3D printing: Contact me if you're planning to use more advanced printers and materials.
How can you contact me?
Send me an E-mail or come at SPOT in the 3D printing workshop (DLLEL -1 20)